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bitter 17
balestier ite
started screaming at 01.04.91


[Wednesday, November 19, 2008 7:06 PM]

actually today i lazy to post...xD
but saw hamster and she wanted me to post cause she linked me.
so she wanns me to update and linked her hahhs!!
long nvr chatted with her already..
i linked you le HAMSTER wHeeeee xD
byes now

[Thursday, October 16, 2008 11:34 PM]
hey peeps~!!!!
today kena force by someone to post~!!!

AH KA~!!!he wanted me to post for a few days ago?
but i didn't did that..
sorry AH KAi~!hahhs xD
i think we watch too much drama le bah?
as what they usually say:life is like a drama
"ren shen ru xi ju"??i think my chinese had worsen after i got into ITE??
OH MY GOD~!please help me improve my chinese can mah?if not i will die??

hahhs xD kinda tired now.my elblow recovering soon~!!!wHeee xD
thats means needa go school again~!!DARN~!!!
nights peeps
gng to sleep =)

[Tuesday, October 7, 2008 7:30 PM]
hellos =)
few days nvr post le.cause didn't use comp T.T
days are getting worst and worst?had been rotting at home?
ytd went down my blk to find jiayi?to chat only hahhs xD
recently watching a hong kong drama

[Wednesday, October 1, 2008 11:27 PM]
Hello =)
firstly~happy hari raya to all the muslim=)
secondly~happy children day to all children including ME =) wahahahaha xD
i agree i'm childish..just stick with it~!!!!
lets post about today's weather~~~hmmp hmmm not bad for a wednesday =)
kinda LIKE today's weather wHeee xD

now i'm watching a movie =)
quite an old movie...hmm~ BUT it's very nice!!
hahhs xD

btw my fav. anime came to an end today..sad T.T
D.Grayman~!!!! hope there will be a 2nd season?cause it's real nice!!!
i will miss allen walker~!!!!!*sobs*

goodnight~!!!wHeee xD

[Tuesday, September 30, 2008 11:56 PM]
hellos peeps =)
nearly forgot to post today..now den post =p
it's raining now=( but it's very cooling due to the winds =)*woohooo xD
quite tired >< didn't sleep the whole day today xD
was playing with my psp hahhs xD i know you all are wondering how i did that o.O
i'm a genius hahhahs. it makes me so dumb!!!RAWR!!!!!
okay la.gng sleep nights!!

[Monday, September 29, 2008 3:10 PM]
super bored >_______<
nothing to do den come post??
today slept throughout the day...
bored bored bored~!!!!need some one to entertain me =(

thats all folks~!!gng back to sleep agn -______-



280908 [Sunday, September 28, 2008 12:57 PM]
hey peeps~!!!
my first post for this NEW blog~!!!hahhs~!!
second day of dislocation case for ME~!!!
stuck at home for 2 darn days le.some more the weather so darn hot can?
thanks weijing,gason,kelvin,tommy,edison for coming my house to visit me =)
AH SOON~!!walk pass my window den laugh at my hand~!!RAWR!!!!!
hahhs xD
thats all for the pot today bahhs =) gng rest~~!!!!!
bye peeps!!!!!
